Hormone Coaching

I’ve been on a long journey to understand my hormonal shifts and I want to help you navigate yours. Call me what you’d like–your Hormone Coach, your Menstrual Mentor, your Period Pal –I have a lot of different titles because my role is unique in each client relationship (because we’re all on different journeys and in different ages and stages of life!).

I’m passionate about supporting women as they learn to navigate and optimize their hormones; I won’t sit across a desk from you and lecture you about the changes you need to make to improve your overall well being, but instead, I’ll be there for you, woman-to-woman, to share the knowledge I’ve gained through my studies and personal experience in order to help you discover what is right for you and your body.

If you’re going through Peri-Menopause or Menopause, I’m your gal. If you have other pressing period problems, let’s talk! I’ve personally been through plenty of hormone-related challenges in my life and love sharing all that I’ve learned along the way to help other women look and feel their best through all ages and stages of their lives.

The Program: REFORMED health

As our bodies age, our appearance changes, our strength decreases, our body metabolizes our food differently, and our hormones shift. If we ignore these changes, it can lead to imbalances and discomfort in the body. We all know this. So what can you do to feel better as your body ages?

WE WILL… Work together to figure out what tweaks need to be made in your life to get your health and hormones optimized. I will provide you with custom lifestyle, and movement recommendations based on the physical issues and changes you’re navigating right now. I’ll also point you in the right direction and share the best resources and products out there so you can be in the driver's seat to begin making the changes necessary to start feeling your best. You will educate me on what’s happening in your life and I’ll educate you on how you can get your hormonal ducks-in-a-row for both the stage you’re currently in and whatever stage lies ahead.

I WILL NOT… diagnose you. That is a MD’s role. I also will not prescribe any supplements or medications or order lab work for you or try to sell you products. I will not give specific meal plans or diets. That is a dietician's role. I will simply guide you through a Reformer session focused on building muscle through low-impact movement and will then spend some time digging deeper into what’s going on in your body in order to determine what you can do to feel as healthy and balanced as possible.


Why combine Reformer + Hormone Coaching?

I believe that movement is a critical piece of optimizing your hormones–so why not start our work together by creating this good habit, right out the gate? Think about it this way: you could be sitting on your butt talking to a coach in an office or on a computer screen or you could be chatting with your coach while doing Pilates and taking care of your body. Feels like a no-brainer, not to mention I’m a think outside the box, break the rules kind of Aquarian gal ;)


Interested in learning more about
how hormones affect your body?

Visit my sister site for more in-depth information.

Here’s how we can work together:

REFORMED - 4 sessions: $600

Includes one 90 minute introductory session where we’ll chat about your intake form, zero in on what’s challenging and what you’d like to improve as well learn the in’s and out’s of the reformer and get moving. Three more hour long reformer sessions will follow where we’ll start moving right away and chat throughout the session.

Package includes preparatory work (review of intake form + research) and a follow-up email outlining all of the recommendations + resources based on our time together

All 4 sessions need to be used within 2 months of purchase

Sessions must be scheduled at purchase. The ideal schedule is one session per week over 4-6 weeks.

REFORMED MINI - 1 session: $250

Includes one 90 minute session where we chat about your intake form, zero in on what’s challenging and what you’d like to improve as well learn the in’s and out’s of the reformer and get moving.

Session includes preparatory work (review of intake form + research) and a follow-up email outlining all of the recommendations + resources based on our time together

Session must be scheduled at purchase.